inHope Charity Developments

life event collections

Although injustices such as homelessness or food insecurity have been around for many years, inHope’s approach as a charity has changed and evolved. We try new things, we experiment and learn, and the way in which we provide much needed support to people develops.

Here’s what we’re working on at the moment;

Investing in Volunteers

This is an exciting time for volunteering at inHope as we start the journey of receiving the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) award. IiV is the quality standard for good practice in volunteer management in the UK.

Volunteers are essential to inHope’s work – without volunteers we could not offer the support our clients and guests need. Volunteering at inHope has evolved over the past 35 years and we’re now embarking on a journey with Investing in Volunteers so that we know we’re providing the best possible support to our amazing volunteer teams.

inHope volunteers and staff will work together with an IiV assessor to check how we’re doing against the standards, as well as identifying any areas which could be improved. The six quality areas to be assessed are:

  • Vision for Volunteering.
  • Planning for Volunteers.
  • Volunteer Inclusion.
  • Recruiting and Welcoming Volunteers.
  • Supporting Volunteers.
  • Valuing and Developing Volunteers.

A few examples of what this could mean including better training opportunities for volunteers; improving inductions; promoting volunteer wellbeing; assessing our approach to diversity; and greater volunteer recognition at event celebrations. Every aspect of volunteer management will be reviewed and considered, so that volunteers can have the best experience possible during their time with inHope.

After approximately one year working together with the assessor, we will have a final assessment to see if we meet the standards to be awarded with the IiV quality mark. Achieving this will prove that we are an organisation committed to treating and supporting our volunteers as they deserve. This will give confidence to current and future volunteers and supporters to know how seriously we take the care and development of those who commit their time to inHope.

It is vital that volunteers are involved and a part of this process because they are the experts of their experience. There will be different ways to contribute as a volunteer, such as via volunteer forums and the opportunity to be part of a IiV workshop group with staff. There has been an incredible response from staff wanting to be part of this, which shows how much volunteers are valued and loved at inHope.

If you are a volunteer and you would like to be involved in the ways already mentioned, or you have your own ideas as to how you could contribute, or any questions/comments at all please get in contact with Amelia, Volunteer Manager